Lock in – This has been a Mantra of mine since my days at Boston College.  “Lock-in” simply means; when the Athletes come to a workout they are ready to work and to be coached.  The Athletes are hydrated and are fed.  No gum or candy in their mouths, they are wearing athletic footwear; tied up, no hats, no street clothes, no head phones, and no cell phones.  Horse play of any kind will not be tolerated.

Work Hard – This is the building block of all great organizations.  I will ask the boys/girls to train hard every time they are with me.  We will create great habits for your young athlete.  You will find that when they buy in, and the parents buy in, habits improve.  They want to eat better and work harder and that will translate into playing harder and having fun.

Work Smart – All athletes need to pay attention to detail.  Working smart means; train as you are taught.  Be relentlessly accountable to technique!  I often use the phrase, “Laser Focus”.  Be Coachable.

Have Fun – The Athlete will have fun in this program.


45 min.- 2 hours (depending on child’s age, season, commitment)

Dynamic Warm-up – Whether the Athletes are coming from practice or just entering the building, all athletes will do a Dynamic Warm-up. This part of the workout is imperative. I teach all the athletes how to prepare their bodies for a great workout.

Core Strengthening – The mid-section of the body is very important in optimizing performance. We will be training their Core every day I see your child. We also use band work to work on the Glutes.

Linear and Multi directional Movement Patterns – I will be installing many movements for the improvement of coordination, foot speed, and speed improvement. I will make the Athletes better athletes by emphasizing technique and instilling an “attention to detail”; a mindful approach to skill improvement.

Explosive PowerAge Specific – All athletes will be doing activities that are explosive in nature. For the youngest athletes a 5 Yard Sprint can be prescribed and the older Athletes can look forward to variations of Olympic movements (ie Db Hang Cleans).

Strength MovementsAge Specific – All Athletes will be doing exercises that will emphasize strength (upper body/lower body). For the Younger athletes Push-ups with a static hold is an example and for the older athletes Push-ups with their hands on a bosu ball would be prescribed.

Work Capacity/Conditioning – An area that I feel that needs to improve in Youth Athletic Development. This part of the workout will push the athlete’s energy system. The Athletes could look forward to Shuttle Runs coupled with a strength movement combined with a core movement. This is the hardest part of the workout but the most competitive. The Athletes love to hate the Work Capacity portion of the workout!

Flexibility – Our Young Athletes need flexibility and mobility training. We will stretch after each session. The time I allot for the stretching is not nearly enough. I will remind our Athletes and the Coaches that they must stretch.